The Allure of Kokuryu Daiginjo
Kokuryu Daiginjo is a renowned sake from Fukui, Japan, crafted by Kokuryu Sake Brewing Company, which has been in operation since 1804. This exceptional daiginjo is made using domestically grown Yamada Nishiki rice polished to 50%, embodying the craftsmanship and passion of its makers. While preserving the traditions established by the first-generation brewmaster, Ishidaya Nizaemon, Kokuryu has pursued a sake-making process that suits modern palates, pioneering the commercialization of daiginjo sake in Japan. Their innovative approach, including attempts at aging sake like wine, highlights the unique qualities of this beverage.
A Harmony of Aroma and Flavor
Kokuryu Daiginjo is characterized by its rich and fruity aroma. It combines the scent of plum blossoms carried by the early spring breeze with the exotic fragrance of daphne, and hints of quince and cinnamon soaked in acacia honey. Upon tasting, it offers a clear and crisp finish with a refreshing mouthfeel. Despite its dry profile with a sake meter value of +4.0, it has a soft, velvety body that leaves a gentle impression and enhances the umami of various dishes.
Recommended Pairings
This daiginjo pairs exceptionally well with fresh white fish. It complements the delicate flavors of white fish sashimi or whiting carpaccio, enhancing their subtle aromas and tastes. It is also recommended to enjoy with steamed clams in sake or white asparagus with hollandaise sauce. For cheese lovers, French Sainte-Maure is a perfect match. Kokuryu Daiginjo will elegantly grace your special occasions, enriching the dining experience and elevating the flavors of your meal.
商品名 label |
Kokuryu Daiginjo |
特定名称 classification |
Daiginjo |
精米歩合 polish rate |
50% |
原料米 rice |
Yamada Nishiki |
アルコール度数 abv |
16% |
特徴 style |
酒蔵 - BREWERY -
酒蔵 brewery |
Kokuryu Shuzo |
所在地 adress |
1-38 Matsuoka Kasuga, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui, 910-1133, Japan |
Kokuryu Daiginjo is a local sake from Fukui, Japan, known for its refreshing and fruity appeal.
Kokuryu Daiginjo is a very well-balanced sake. It has a clear appearance without any yellowish tint. The aroma is reminiscent of fresh green apples, and as time passes, it develops a richer, more mature scent similar to that of pears. While it doesn't have a thick texture, it isn't too thin either, providing a perfect mouthfeel. The aroma and flavor are well-linked, offering a refreshing fruity taste of green apples. As the temperature rises, it gains a slight mellowness and a hint of bitterness in the aftertaste, showcasing the dignified character of a Daiginjo. It pairs well not only with raw fish but also with grilled mushrooms that have a slightly roasted aroma.
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