Kokuryu Shuzo Kokuryu Daiginjo 4.00 1 The Allure of Kokuryu Daiginjo Kokuryu Daiginjo is a renowned sake from Fukui, Japan, crafted by Kokuryu Sake Brewing Company, which has been in operation since 1804. This exceptional daiginjo is made using domestically grown Yamada Nishiki rice polished to 50%, embodying the craftsmanship and passion of its makers. While preserving the traditions established by the first-generation brewmaster, Ishidaya Nizaemon, Kokuryu has pursued a sake-making process that suits modern palates, pioneering the commercialization of daiginjo sake in Japan. Their innovative approach, including attempts at aging sake like wine, highlights the unique qualities of this beverage. A Harmony of Aroma and Flavor Kokuryu Daiginjo is characterized by its rich and fruity […]